Friday, November 25, 2005

Moooooving on up...

Well, it's official...I suppose I'm moving. I accepted the position Tuesday and turned in my resignation letter. I'll stay on there until Dec. 15th, and the new job doesn't start until Dec. 21st. Now comes the time for all the doubts to sink in. What if this and what if that...oh crap. But I'm actually not doing too badly. Because everything inside me is telling me that this is what I need to be doing right now. I sent out somewhere around 13 resumes and/or applications to places...THIS is the one that worked out. And I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason. So here we go. Off to join the world. Starting this next chapter of the saga that is mi vida loca. GAH! What am I doing??!?! Oh, the packing...holy crap, that's gonna take forever in itself! Although 75% of my life is still in boxes in closets, I've accumulated a LOT of shit since I came back here! I wish I had a magic wand I could wave and everything would instantly be all nicely boxed up and ready to go when I am. You'd think I'd be used to moving by now. I haven't lived in the same town for more than 2 years since I was 18. That's 9 years of packing and unpacking. I think I already mentioned it, but I'll say it again: I moved FIVE times in SIX years. You'd think I'd have learned to travel lightly...'parently NOT. Holy crap...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

5 things...

This is from the website Time's Fun When You're Having Flies. Thought I'd give it a shot. Give me something to do...

5 snacks you enjoy:
1. Oreos
2. Chocolate covered peanuts
3. Sour cream and onion potato chips
4. String cheese
5. Vanilla flavored Tootsie Rolls

5 songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Rocky Top
2. Hey Mickey (having a nostalgic night anyway, might as well throw this one in)
3. Who You'd Be Today
4. Cheatin'
5. Miss Me Baby

(I know the lyrics to hundreds and hundreds of songs...obviously, if I'm listing 80s songs, even!)

5 things you would do if you were a millionare:
1. Buy a beach house and a cabin in the mountains
2. Pick a couple favorite charities and be a big contributor
3. Pay off both my sisters' bills and buy them nice homes wherever they wanted
5. Run away to one of the homes listed in #1 and write the bestseller that the story of my life is bound to be. ;-)

5 bad habits:
1. biting my nails
2. being afraid to speak my mind
3. Procrastinating
4. avoiding confrontation
5. hitting the snooze button 4,360 times in the morning

5 things you like doing:
1. picking on my kid ;-)
2. Reading
3. wasting time online doing NOTHING
4. just hanging out by a body of water...river, lake, ocean...whatever. it's just relaxing.

5 things you would never wear again:
1. stirrup pants
2. banana combs
3. big hair
4. leg warmers
5. jeans with zippers on the legs

5 favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. mp3 player
3. cell phone
4. board games
5. dvd player

And there you have it. My boring ass answers. But, it was interesting, I suppose. Your turn!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to share some of the things that I'm very thankful for with you today, since it is Thanksgiving, after all! They're not in any particular order of importance, because each and every thing is equally important to me.

1. I can hear! (I couldn't hear anything yesterday, and it was freaking scary)
2. Chaney's happy, healthy, and coming home today.
3. I got a new job, and I'm MOOOOOOOVING on up. lol.
4. I have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over my head.
5. I have an amazing family who'll do anything for me, whether it be in good times or in bad.
6. Tiffany has stuck by me and been the other half of me for the past 16 years now. I know I'm not easy to put up with, Tiff...thank you so very much for that.
7. Justin seems to genuinely care about me, in whatever context, calling to check on me, coming to see me, giving me little massages, and willingly putting up with my family in order to spend time with me!
8. I am healthy, for the most part. I can walk, I can talk, I can see and hear. I have no major medical problems.
9. I don't have to go through this holiday with a family member fighting overseas, and those who do are definitely in my prayers.
10. I have the most wonderful friends I could ever ask for. Even though we don't see each other for years at a time sometimes, they're still there, and they still care. Thank you. It's amazing to me that people care enough about me to want to be my friend and share my life and theirs.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Jump? Sure, How High?

I've realized something about myself this weekend. There is something wrong. I am a strong, independent, wonderful woman...until I get a penis in my life. Then...what happens??? Men are NOT the center of the universe (women are, of course), so why do I have this overwhelming urge to fall to my knees and kiss the feet of the men in my life, when I have them? What about a man reduces a perfectly (shut up) sane, strong, self-sufficient woman to mush? The man should enhance your life, not be your life. I'm working very hard on that one, but then I stop to think...should it really be this much work? Do men not think and feel this way about a woman? I think I have yet to see that. Or are they just better at hiding their emotions, since they're programmed to be emotionless blobs since birth? I'm thinking entirely too much way too early in the morning. This is NOT cool. I'm going...somewhere.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Following orders!

I should've listened to the dude on the radio this morning. I was driving to work and he was like, 'here's what we're gonna do: we're all going to go get in our vehicles, drive home, and go back to bed. we'll get back up and start this day over, 'cause this isn't working'. I'm thinking HELL YEAH! If work asks, I'm tellin' 'em you told me to! I actually really did UNFORTUNATELY go to work, even though going back to bed was sounding reallllllllllllllllllly nice, especially in this cold ass rainy weather. But...I only worked 2 1/2 days last week, so I really need to stick it out a full week. Especially since I'll be off at least half a day Monday, Thursday, and hopefully Friday. Do I ever work? Not if I can help it! I need a sugar daddy to baby and spoil me so I don't hafta. I wanna retire. I'm done working. I don't wanna play grown-up anymore.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Wanted: full time MAID

Why do I bother? What's the point? Seriously. My house is just not meant to be clean. Ever. I dust, vacuum, pick up toys and odds and ends, and 5 seconds later, it looks worse than it did before I started. O. M. G. And I don't know who's worse, my 10 year old daughter or my 50-year old sister! It's a toss up! Chaney's a different story, but my sister and I were not raised to be this messy! I have very distinct memories from my childhood of getting up reaaaaaaaaalllllllllly early in the morning just to use the bathroom and go back to bed, only to go back to bed to find my bed MADE. It's like the woman stood outside my door just waiting for me to get out of it for a minute. I seriously think my sister is rebelling from years of being repressed, and the only way she knows how to do this is to just make a massive mess. Well, I guess better than than taking to drinking. Certainly don't want her checking out the trees again!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Looking for a bigger box of crayons

Well, I'm very happy to say that my interview went GREAT. The lady pretty much said that as far as she was concerned, the job was mine. Personnel just has to call my references as a formality. Question I want the job? It's pretty much like the job I have now, only in a different area. Lots of pros and cons. Love the area there, not so sure about the job. What to do, what to do...I don't know! Help?!? Anybody? Should I just flip a coin? Chaney wants to go RIGHT NOW. I do, but I don't know. If the job didn't have on call, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Here's my main question. I'm looking into 4 other jobs; what if one of them opens up after I take that job? Would it be so bad of me to explore those options? They sound like something I think I might really like. Can I take this job, but keep my options open for these others?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sweet November

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been...what is it I always say? Oh yeah...OTHERWISE OCCUPIED! Those of you who know me know I don't usually stay lonely long, and now is certainly no exception. Definitely had a smile on my face these days. Things seem to be going pretty well for me. And the icing on the cake is that I have a job interview on Thursday. I'm not getting my hopes up about this place, though. I'm just going to go and see what they have to say. A bunch of us went to the movies last night (about 7 people). Fun times. Don't get to get out much these days. Justin drove, because I don't know Parkersburg that well, and here's a bit of advice: don't let go of the popcorn. Here we are, going down 68, which is this old 2-lane country kind of road, and a deer steps out in front of us. What do I do? LET GO OF THE POPCORN. And I mean a HUGE ass bucket. What does Justin do? The sensible thing...hits the brakes. What does the popcorn do? The entire bucket dumps ALLLLLLLLL over the place. Guess it's a good thing I procrastinated yesterday and didn't clean my car out after all. I'd have been pissed. I have Happy Bunny floormats. That's a decent sized bunny on my floor. All you could see of this poor bunny was the tips of his ears. So much for taking the popcorn home! And a little while down the road, Ashley's like, "I smell popcorn". Geez, GENIUS! Ya don't say! Oh well. I'm getting old. My nights and my stories are getting tame. And I KNOW I'm old when it's only 10:00 and we're out of the movie and I'm thinking, let's just go home and hang out. Or maybe I'm finally just getting my priorities straight. In any case, I'm not crying anymore. There's definitely a smile back on my face, and I'm just having fun. No expectations, no regrets. But there is definitely something magical about that first kiss, no matter who or how old you are...