Thursday, November 24, 2005

5 things...

This is from the website Time's Fun When You're Having Flies. Thought I'd give it a shot. Give me something to do...

5 snacks you enjoy:
1. Oreos
2. Chocolate covered peanuts
3. Sour cream and onion potato chips
4. String cheese
5. Vanilla flavored Tootsie Rolls

5 songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Rocky Top
2. Hey Mickey (having a nostalgic night anyway, might as well throw this one in)
3. Who You'd Be Today
4. Cheatin'
5. Miss Me Baby

(I know the lyrics to hundreds and hundreds of songs...obviously, if I'm listing 80s songs, even!)

5 things you would do if you were a millionare:
1. Buy a beach house and a cabin in the mountains
2. Pick a couple favorite charities and be a big contributor
3. Pay off both my sisters' bills and buy them nice homes wherever they wanted
5. Run away to one of the homes listed in #1 and write the bestseller that the story of my life is bound to be. ;-)

5 bad habits:
1. biting my nails
2. being afraid to speak my mind
3. Procrastinating
4. avoiding confrontation
5. hitting the snooze button 4,360 times in the morning

5 things you like doing:
1. picking on my kid ;-)
2. Reading
3. wasting time online doing NOTHING
4. just hanging out by a body of water...river, lake, ocean...whatever. it's just relaxing.

5 things you would never wear again:
1. stirrup pants
2. banana combs
3. big hair
4. leg warmers
5. jeans with zippers on the legs

5 favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. mp3 player
3. cell phone
4. board games
5. dvd player

And there you have it. My boring ass answers. But, it was interesting, I suppose. Your turn!


Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

Actually that is a really neat list, I'm inspired to make one myself.

"Picking on my kid..." - Had me laughing, to many parents can't take a joke, and raise their kids accordingly.

12:00 AM  
Blogger JJP said...

Great list UT Woman. I think I will start over on this shopping day on my blog and start with that. Go read it :op when I get done its 7 a.m here.

8:20 AM  

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