One More Day
...and why can't I find it???
I could have sooooooooo much fun picking on these guys, but I know they could get me back VERY easily, and MUCH worse. lol...besides, I might need them next time I'm on call to help me deal with the crazy people! Better be nice...
And my favorite:
5. ...You begin to talk to yourself, then disagree about the subject, get into a nasty row over it, lose, and refuse to speak to yourself for the rest of the night.
*sigh*...if it weren't for stress I'd have no energy at all...Enjoy!
I've decided I like lists. Lists are goooooooooood. I have lots of lists these days...
And Tiff...there's a good chance I'll end up insane. But...what's this? A second chance? And yes, everyone in my life is amazed that a guy has finally made me forget about J. Nobody ever thought it would ever happen. But for the first time in a long time, I don't care. For the first time in FIVE years I haven't been with him over homecoming, and I really couldn't care less. FIVE years, and not a damn thing to show for it. I'm done. Besides, I found someone I want more. Thing is, does he still want me? I'm finally ready to give all of me to him without holding anything back for anyone else, but is it too late?
and my FAVORITE:
10. KILEY IS AMAZING. (at last, someone realizes how magnificent I am. :-)
oh, and Stef, mine only had about 9,110 results. I had less to choose from, but I liked my choices! I'm actually surprised I had that many.