Sunday, August 07, 2005

Kiley is...

Borrowed this from Stephanie, who borrowed it from...oh, never mind. Anyway, here's what you do. Go to Google, type in "(your name) is" and see what comes up. Pick your top 10 faves and tell people! Let's see what we get for my big bad name...hopefully we can come up with 10 with my oddball name!
  1. Kiley is Marketing Editor at Businessweek (dang, I got smart)
  2. Kiley is less afraid of abject and unnecessary physical pain (hmmmm)
  3. Kiley is not as stupid as we've all been led to believe (told you so)
  4. Kiley is the Commissioner of Transport for London, England (dang, I get around)
  5. Kiley is an energetic reporter (translation=ADHD)
  6. Kiley is closely monitored by a government minder (so that's who that is...)
  7. Kiley is the crazy one (dang, people know me better than I thought!)
  8. Kiley is featured on the MTV's Spankin' New Magazine (then where are my royalty checks???)
  9. Kiley is curious by nature and fairly easygoing (translation=nosy and drunk)

and my FAVORITE:

10. KILEY IS AMAZING. (at last, someone realizes how magnificent I am. :-)

oh, and Stef, mine only had about 9,110 results. I had less to choose from, but I liked my choices! I'm actually surprised I had that many.


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