Tuesday, August 02, 2005


My aunt died Saturday. I've come to the conclusion that from at least July 29 to August 25 of every year from now on, I'm going to run away and HIDE. That month will not exist in my mind. Keep in mind that this has all happened in different years, of course, but off the top of my head I can think of all this: my dad died on July 29, my aunt on July 30, my grandfather August 5, my mom August 10, another aunt on August 21, and my sister on August 25. So I DON'T LIKE THIS TIME OF YEAR! I'm really starting to feel like a long-lost Kennedy relative. We seem to have death in common. Anyway, yeah. So much for that. And while I AM sad that my aunt passed away, I'm actually happy for her, if that makes any sense to anyone. She had a long, full life, and she even told me 2 years ago that she was ready to go and was basically waiting on God to take her. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that she went to Heaven, and if our loved ones really are there waiting for us, she's right in the middle of a big ole family reunion. So while yes, I will miss her being here, I can't be that sad because I know she's happier than she's been in a long time, if ever. So it's all good. Rest in peace Sis, and say hello to Mom and Daddy for me.


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