Saturday, March 26, 2005
My uncle died yesterday...well, on the 24th, rather, by the time this is posted. :-( All sorts of mixed feelings about that. Of course I'm sad...somebody DIED. But at the same time, I'm relieved that it's over for him, he can't hurt anymore, and that he's with my dad again. I'm sure they're having a good ole time in Heaven talking up a storm, especially about the Lady Vols and Pat Summitt's 880 wins. So, that thought makes me very happy. Maybe what I'm thinking is crazy, but he reminded me SO much of my dad. I know I have my brothers and sisters, and other relatives that were also related to my dad, but honestly, my uncle seemed to me to be the last thing of my dad I had left, other than my dad's sister. I don't know why...all I can figure is that it's where they resembled each other so closely. And then, with this loss, it just brings back losing my dad that much more, which again...hurts. But...this is what I've come to think about the whole situation...If Heaven was an hour, it would be twilight, when the fireflies start their dancing on the lawn. And supper's on the stove, and Mama's laughing, and everybody's working day is done. If Heaven was a town, it would be my town on a summer day in 1985, when everything I wanted was out there waiting, and everyone I loved was still alive. Don't cry a tear for me, now baby. There comes a time we all must say goodbye. And if that's what Heaven's made of, you know I ain't afraid to die. Goodbye, Uncle Clark. I'll love and miss you forever. Say hello to Mom and Daddy for me, will you? We'll meet again someday.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
ANOTHER baby! AND an engagement!
Congratulations John and Amber! Baby Taylor Jolee Tinnel was born around 6:30 this morning, weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long. Babies everywhere! And Stef is engaged! I'm so happy for you! You better let me know when the big day is, so I can try to come. I miss East Tennessee SO bad it makes me crazy sometimes. Oh wait...I'm already there! HA! You know what I mean. Who knows. So that's all my news for this moment...I think. Now I'm gonna go do...something.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Happy Birthday!
I want to welcome my newest little family member...Tanley Briann Triplett, born on March 18, 2005 at 1:37am. She weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Her birth amazes me, in that it really makes me realize that life goes on. I remember all too well how devastated we were when our parents died...but then, you move heal. And you welcome new people into your family. No, they'll never replace who you've lost, but they definitely help heal the pain. For all the tears that were shed then, there are just as many smiles today. And I can't help but have this little notion in my head that God is saying 'I took others from you, and for that I'm sorry, but that was My plan; you can't have those people back, but let Me send new people into your life so that you may heal and learn to smile and laugh and love again". i don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. But that's just what I like to believe. Whatever the case, it definitely works. Can't wait to see you, baby girl!
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Knight in Knoxville?!?!
Hmmmmm...I don't know about that...that could be BAD. But then, can't get any worse than it already is, I suppose. Oh well...guess we'll see. Oh yeah, by the way...I have just one thing to say about this past weekend...and the whole YEAR before that. Get out of my head get off of my cloud get out of my hair get off of my couch get off of my lips get out of my life let me give you a tip get out of my sight get off of your knees get out of my face get out of my sleep get out of my space how long do I have to show and tell scream and yell...get over yourself. ;-) sleep sweet!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
Lessons learned
Lesson #3--ALWAYS have a safety net girl. Hmmm...apparently he thinks it's supposed to be ME...which is MY fault, because for the past ELEVEN months, I'VE LET HIM!!! Yeah, ok, whatever. DONE. Stick a fork in me. And horoscope is starting to worry me. I read my monthly one for March the other day, and so far it's all come true. AND it said that I'd be feeling very burnt out with my whole daily routine and very fed up with it (which anyone who knows me knows I am...VERY MUCH)...and then it says that about that time, true love will appear. Well, considering who's appeared BACK in my life as of...Wednesday...that worries me. This guy CANNOT be my true love. No way, no how. I'm a little disturbed by this news. But oh well. I'm having a good time, and his kinda therapy is definitely what the doctor ordered...and NO, Tiff, nothing like THAT. It's just good to have the company and someone to talk to, you know? Everyone else in my life seems to be lying to me and running for the hills at breakneck speed's nice to have someone coming TOWARD me instead of running away. Guess we shall see...just play it by ear, take one day at a time, and above all...HAVE FUN! :-)
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Small Town...Big Dreams
I don't really have anything to say, just felt like posting for some odd reason. I'm so exhausted I don't know which end's up. Looooooooong hectic day at work. And...look at the time! I'm such an idiot. No wonder I'm tired. Burning the candle at both ends will BURN YOU OUT. I don't really have any to report. Never a dull moment in my life, yet nothing really going on. Strange...Tiff, did you ever get your laundry detergent UNFROZEN? Honey, if you need some to wash your clothes, come see me. Why do stupid absurd things always seem to seek us out? I mean, your detergent story isn't nearly on the same level as my Romania story, but's highly amusing. :-P Ok, whatever. I'm passing out here, so I'm going to bed. Oh Tiff, you might be very happy to know that I'm taking your advice...with at least one of them anyway. BECAUSE HE'S NOT HERE TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH!!! So it's SO much easier. See why I need to get OUT of this town? For so many reasons. This dead end place can't hold all my dreams and plans for myself. I've seen what's out there...and I want to go back to it. Yeah, it's nice to have roots, but it sucks having those roots when they're withering away and dying! We'll move to New Zealand and go zorbing, ok? Sounds like a plan! Niiiiiiiiiight...
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Chasing something...or running from something? Still trying to figure that one out. I think I've all but decided that it's a little bit of both. Also still trying to figure out why a certain person I know won't leave well enough alone. Won't let me go and won't let me be happy. Or at least...tries. After a few days, or anymore, a few weeks of silence, he comes waltzing back in just like he'd never even left. Bringing with him all these feelings I'd tried so hard to kill by feeding me these I missed yous and I want to see yous and I'll call yous and of course the 'why don't you come up?' and then he goes away again. Dude...enough is enough. STAY GONE. I'm not a yo-yo. Stop treating me like one. Why can't you play your chosen part and stay away? I've moved on. I'm HAPPY. Leave it...and me...alone. You screwed it up for me once, but by some miracle, I got it back. I won't let you do it again. But anyway, enough of that tangent...I have to send condolences out to my sister-in-law's brother and his wife. They lost their 3-day old son on March 2nd. Which is kind of eerie, given that my brother and his wife (this guy's sister) lost their son on February 28, 2002. And like I said on that post below...some things I will never understand. So I'm going to bed. One more thing though...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JONATHAN!!! Thanks for being a rock for me in this hurricane life I lead. Hope you're always there, and I hope I'm half the friend to you that you've always been to me.