...like a tumbleweed...
I thought I'd say hello, and let you know I'm relocating AGAIN. I accepted a job with a private agency in Beckley yesterday. I start June 20th. It means: more money (I'll pretty much triple my income), NO ON CALL, none of the community mental health hassles, NO ON CALL, I'll be closer to my GOOD sister and my man...did I mention NO ON CALL?!?! This guy's had this business for 13 years, and it's just him running it out of Beckley and Lewisburg. He wants to get me in there and get me going and turn over the entire Beckley office to me. He doesn't want to fool with it anymore, but doesn't want to close it because it makes him money. He's giving me 40% of what I bring in, and they charge $195 an hour for therapy...I'm movin' on up in the world!
And...that's the area I wanted to be in originally anyway, and so things work out all around for so many reasons. It amazes me how things are finally falling into place with me. Got the perfect man, a job I actually think I might LIKE this time, moving to the area I wanted to be in in the first place...can't help but love life at this moment. And people at Westbrook are being really supportive and great about me leaving, which really helps, especially given the mess last time I tried to leave somewhere...y'all know exactly what I'm talking about....oh yeah, and in case you haven't figured it out yet...that's MY BABY!
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day! I have to say...I've been on call for the past couple Memorial Weekends, and I got out of it this year...and I've had the time of my life! Went 4-wheeler riding with Larry and his sister's family Saturday for about 7 hours (still very sore from that, partly because I FELL IN THE RIVER). The last time I had been on a 4-wheeler was with Bobby...I guess life does go on. And then yesterday I subjected Larry and Bailey to the biggest part of my immediate family when I made them dress up and go to Bubba's wedding with me. :-) They looked very handsome. As soon as I get back and get my cable to upload my pics, I'll have to post some. Other than that, don't really have a lot to say. Just been hanging out with my baby and loving my life lately. I'm gonna marry that man. I promise you that. It's unlike anything I've ever experience before. And he wasn't lying when he said there wasn't much he wouldn't do for me. Of course, he had me hooked when he said he'd paint my toenails. That was what I was looking for. Say no more...ya got me. Hook, line, and sinker. :-)I'm sure I'll probably remember what else I wanted to say later...then again, maybe not...
a whole month!
Wow...have I really not posted anything since the 9th of this month? Dang, time flies when you're FALLING IN LOVE. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's right. I'm falling hard and I'm falling fast. But you know what? I think this time it's ok. I'm gonna be caught. How do I know this? A woman knows. That's all there is to it. I also know that I'm gonna marry this guy. I can promise you that. Some things you just know. If everything goes well with this little scheme I've got cooked up, I'll be heading outta here and on my way to where I really want to be within the next few weeks...which is DOWN SOUTH. Granted, it's still not my precious Tennessee or the Carolinas, but it's a start. If things do what I hope they're gonna do, I'll be living in Virginia come this time next month...definitely beats on the OHIO border. Not that there's anything wrong with Ohio, it's just in the wrong direction. I'm a SOUTHERN girl. The farther south I am, the happier I am. Can't blame a girl for wanting to be happy. Life's too short not to be. But I will say that Larry makes me very happy. And we all know a happy girl is a GOOD thing. If Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy. :-P
life on the funny farm...
...this is what my oh-so-intelligent sister just came in and said to me: "Well, I did it 4 times (referring to some Chinese gender test thing, who knows with her) and 3 out of 4 said a girl. Only one said a boy...so it'll be one of the two."OMG...ya think?!?!?! NOW does anyone remotely understand why I WANT OUT?!?!
This line from Runaway Bride is absolutely perfect...just came across it again, and had to share it...I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me.*sigh*...LOVING IT!
...like you've never been hurt
"The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt." ~UnknownSo I've heard...but I'm finding that as Larry and I grow closer and this thing becomes deeper and more real, that's hard for me to do. Because I HAVE been hurt. I've been lied to, cheated on, beaten, and left. I know Larry didn't do any of those, and he swears he never will, and while my heart believes him, my mind keeps going 'but that's what they said too'. I trust him, I do. I'm 99% sure he wouldn't do any of those...but there's that little 1% that knows he's capable, whether he does or not. I need to get past that. How? I'm the therapist here! I should know this! How is it I can help everyone else, but I can't do a damn thing for myself? I CANNOT lose this guy. I'm not going to let any doubts and fears I may have over what the other losers have done cause me to lose someone who may very well be 'the one'. I never understood what it meant to 'just know' when someone is right for you and that you're going to marry that person, but amazingly...and almost scarily enough...I'm feeling it with this guy. Unlike anything I've ever felt before. Whatever those other feelings were, nothing ever remotely came close to this. I'm amazed, and I don't ever want this feeling to end. Just to warn you guys, I'll be sending wedding invitations at some point. ;-) Just so you're not surprised when I say I TOLD YOU SO. That is, unless my occasional doubts and fears SCREW IT UP. I'm working very, very hard on that, though. I keep chanting over and over, 'he didn't do it...they did'. Most of the time it helps, but there are always moments where I think anybody in the beginnings of a relationship stops and wonders how long it's going to last, where it's going to go, things of that nature. Or...maybe not. Maybe I'm just the neurotic one, which is entirely possible. Hmmmm...