...like a tumbleweed...

I thought I'd say hello, and let you know I'm relocating AGAIN. I accepted a job with a private agency in Beckley yesterday. I start June 20th. It means: more money (I'll pretty much triple my income), NO ON CALL, none of the community mental health hassles, NO ON CALL, I'll be closer to my GOOD sister and my man...did I mention NO ON CALL?!?! This guy's had this business for 13 years, and it's just him running it out of Beckley and Lewisburg. He wants to get me in there and get me going and turn over the entire Beckley office to me. He doesn't want to fool with it anymore, but doesn't want to close it because it makes him money. He's giving me 40% of what I bring in, and they charge $195 an hour for therapy...I'm movin' on up in the world!
And...that's the area I wanted to be in originally anyway, and so things work out all around for so many reasons. It amazes me how things are finally falling into place with me. Got the perfect man, a job I actually think I might LIKE this time, moving to the area I wanted to be in in the first place...can't help but love life at this moment. And people at Westbrook are being really supportive and great about me leaving, which really helps, especially given the mess last time I tried to leave somewhere...y'all know exactly what I'm talking about.
...oh yeah, and in case you haven't figured it out yet...that's MY BABY!
Like I've told you I'm HAPPY for you. You have come a long way since we started chatting. It seems like the place you wanted to be in your life is in reach and I can't be any happier for you. Your guy looks like a young Paul Finebaum don't know what that says :op Seriously though very happy for you.
I'm so excited for you!! No I hope things will fall into place for me as I try to move too!!
Best of Luck!! If things don't work out I may have to hit you up for a job!! HAHA
Miss Ya!!
I'm so excited for you!! No I hope things will fall into place for me as I try to move too!!
Best of Luck!! If things don't work out I may have to hit you up for a job!! HAHA
Miss Ya!!
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