Thursday, April 27, 2006

if you believe...

I opened up my eyes, and every wish I had was granted...

In keeping all of you posted like I promised, I wanted to share that things are going amazingly well for me. Never in a million years thought it'd be him, but all week I've wondered why the hell I waited so long. I don't have a single doubt about this guy or where this is gut tells me this one's not going anywhere, and I'm unbelievably thankful for that. I can't believe it took me all this time to open my eyes and see what was right in front of me the whole time. It's kind of comical really. I told him the other night that it took both of us moving away from Richwood to get us together. But, I guess that's what God had planned. And that's ok with me, because this is perfect. Lately I'd been feeling depressed and wondering if the best years of my life were behind me...with him, I feel like my life has just begun. He makes me want to be a better person, and he brings out the best in me. I can tell that already. In short, he is absolutely perfect, and I don't know what the hell I was thinking making him wait so long. Don't even want to think about what would've happened if he hadn't been so patient and persistent and had just given up on me. But I guess he saw and felt something there that took me a little longer to realize...or accept. I can hear you all now...isn't this too much, too hard, too fast? Didn't say I was in love. I'd admit it if I was. He's just...getting to me. Badly. It's unreal. But on the other side, it's not like we're complete strangers. We've known each other for years and been friends for a couple/few years, so I've gotten to sort of know I'm just getting to know everything else. And something fast is too fast when it's turning out to be everything you've ever wanted? NOT that I'm getting married anytime soon, guys, calm down. I'm just feeling more than I thought I'd be feeling at this point, and it's a little alarming, but also...amazing. I think I finally let the right one in.


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