Sunday, April 02, 2006

i have not failed...

"I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work."
~Thomas Edison

While I'm assuming he was referring to the lightbulb (or so I've heard), that quote reminds me a lot of my relationships, when I'm thinking of them in the most positive light possible...which sometimes, gets hard to do. But yeah, after the many, many so-called 'beautiful disasters' I've experienced in my life, I've sure found a LOT of ways that don't work when it comes to relationships. Which brings me to this: what DOES work? I'm sure what works for one won't work for another. So how do we ever manage to find that person that whatever IT is...does work? And how long do we keep trying? Is there any such thing as a perfect fit in a relationship, or are we all trying to shove square pegs into round holes?


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