yeah...I got nothing to say. But for some reason, I figured I'd better post something. I never understood why Chaney used to fight sleep when she was little...I've realized that I STILL fight sleep to this day. Here I sit, completely exhausted and drained from my homecoming weekend in Knoxville...yet...here I sit. Where's the logic in that? On the ride home, I'd have given anything to be in my nice comfy cool bed...but...here I sit. I quit trying to understand myself a long time ago. But that brings up another point: if I can't understand me, and I AM ME...how in the world can I ever expect anyone else to? I'm like a little kid. I have it in my head that if I go to sleep, I might miss something. What the hell am I gonna miss at midnight?!?! The clock on the computer changing from Sunday the 24th to Monday the 25th?!?! Dude...knock me out.
could just be me...
...and it usually is. but could someone PLEASE tell me this: on WHAT PLANET is a game so damn important that it would warrant threatening someone's LIFE? come on, you morons! IT'S JUST A GAME. i'm sorry. i know y'all hate that phrase, but honestly. come on. in the end, it doesn't even matter. when your life is over and you have to answer for all you've done, do you SERIOUSLY think you're going to be grilled about the outcome of a STUPID GAME?!?! uhhh...something tells me no. however, you most likely WILL have to answer for why you found it necessary to threaten someone's life.
in case you guys are wondering where this random moment came from, larry and i have been talking about this lately. and just now i read about the oklahoma-oregon game where an instant replay ref has been receiving death threats for a missed call. and not only that, they've threatened his FAMILY. ok, this is just freaking ridiculous. i love my vols as much as any fan loves his team, but under no circumstances would i EVER threaten to harm someone over what is seriously A STUPID GAME. do you hear that??? IT'S JUST A GAME. LET IT GO. there are more important things to worry about than the final score of any given game. the war in iraq, starving or abused children, the homeless, blah blah blah. yeah, those things are worth getting riled up over. games are not. it just pisses me off. that's what's wrong with this country today. people have their priorities all wrong. Heaven forbid...whose life is going to be threatened because the jags beat the steelers tonight? big ben's. ohhhh, yeah. that'll solve ALL the world's problems. let's just off big ben! then there will be world peace! seriously...y'all are idiots.