Monday, January 23, 2006

my neurotic musing of the day

Monday...should've just stayed in bed. Almost did. Overslept by 40 minutes, first of all. Last night I couldn't get the freaking alarm to turn off when I was setting it. Today it wouldn't come on. Then I get up to a message on the computer from my best friend saying 'it's happened again'. What's happened again, I don't exactly know...but it can't be good. Those words typically aren't. Then I couldn't find my socks, shoes, or keys. My sister, thank Heavens, took Chaney to school, or that would've been a bigger mess. Poor child. Had to throw stuff on running. With her worthless excuse for a father and my complete ineptness, she will always break my heart. She deserves so much better than idiots like us. Granted, I'm 1000 times better than that piece of junk, but I'm still not good enough for her. On top of it all, I'm STILL sick, and it's STILL raining! Not that I mind the rain, just not when it's to the point of flooding! There's something sexy about the rain. Part of me wants a man to dance in the rain with me (ok, maybe not in January), but right now, a bigger part of me doesn't want to take a chance again. If any of you out there are wondering, no, this last guy didn't break my heart. Here's why--it wasn't even whole to start with. So, here's what he's credited with doing: he simply cracked it the rest of the way. That's all. The next guy who's brave enough to give it a shot better have some damn good super glue, that's all I have to say. Because it's going to take a lot. I'm about one turn away from chucking it all and running away. If it weren't for Chaney, I already would've. If it weren't for Chaney, I'd have already done a lot of things, not many of them very good. I thought this move would help. I thought wrong. Didn't make it worse, just...didn't help like I thought it would. Anyway, here's a parting thought: a woman can get her heart broken over and over and still keep looking for love. A guy gets his heart broken once and he's screwed for life.


Anonymous Anonymous said... moved your website, and apparently your family as well...

Another jump and we'll be neighbors and finally you'll find someone to tame/heal that crazy psyche of yours

11:52 AM  

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