Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Moving Day

Tiffany Terrell, I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU FREAKING LEFT ME! That ain't even cool. I don't like your husband anymore. Not that I ever did anyway, but now I really don't. :-P I'm not going to say I miss you, because I'm still too mad to miss you yet. It hurts. It feels weird. Honestly, I feel like I've lost a part of me. And I know it's completely irrational, because you're only 3 hours away, but something inside me tells me that things will never be the same. And that kills me. No more late night walks, no more hanging out at each others' houses in the evenings, no more coming to get your dog...or your kids, and taking them for walks. I don't deal with change well, in case you haven't noticed. At least, not a lot of change all at once. And I've had a LOT of change lately. First, I lost Gunner, which did a number on me in itself. Then Amber left (at work). Then Audra left. Then they moved my office AGAIN. Now Janie's leaving, and today, Tiff left. All of this in the span on a month. No freaking wonder I'm falling apart. All these people leaving at once! I feel so unwanted. :-( Not really, but I do feel very left behind right now. I feel like I'm the fat kid getting picked last for dodgeball. Everybody's getting picked, everybody's leaving, and I'm still standing here in line! When's it gonna be my turn??? :-( And speaking of Gunner, I just found this, and had to throw it in here.

I wish it was you...The phone ring in the middle of the night. The doorbell in the broad daylight. A letter in the mail that I come home to. I wish it was you. When I see two people on the street touchin' like they don't care who sees. Laughin' the way we used to do...I wish it was me and I wish it was you. *sigh*. Still miss him. Very much.


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