Monday, October 03, 2005

Dysfunctional Care Bears

Why is it that the oddest things bring back memories. you remember laying in my apartment in Knoxville thinking, daaaaaaamn that ceiling's gonna hurt if it falls on me? And for some reason, some old fart wearing a cow print baseball cap today brought back this sudden memory of a guy I had a 20 second thing for...and with...back in freaking 1999 or early 2000! Where did THAT come from? But luckily, it just as quickly left. lol. Andthen, as I was in my yard bug-proofing (PLEASE GOD) my house from those damn Asian lady beetles, I had this sudden recollection of cliff diving down Hinkle Mountain back in 1996! WHAT THE HELL?!?! Who knows. My brain is so overloaded and stressed out these days that it's just shooting random stupid stuff out. It can't pack anymore in there, can't take any more stress, so it's just purging itself, I guess. Watch out for sparks! It's gonna BLOW!

I've been reading other people's webpages a lot lately, and mine just don't seem as witty or funny as theirs do. I'M BORING! I have no life! I have plenty of drama and very few dull moments, but I have no life. How is that possible? And I don't know who this chick is, but I stumbled across her page last night and fell in love with it. If you like reading other people's neurotic musings (thanks Brian!), then definitely check out Boobs, Injuries, and Dr. Pepper. It's worth it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a cow print hat would remind me of giving a cow a beer at 7:30 in the morning!! OMG and that ceiling would hurt!!! boy we had a blast growing up!! My kids are NOT allowed to hang out with Chaney when they get older!!!!

12:14 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Thank you, Kiley, for the props. I've read through your blog and you don't have a boring life or a boring way of expressing yourself. But, wow, you've had a lot of grief to overcome.

You're a new name in my prayers, love.

11:20 AM  

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