Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bridge Day 2005

Hello all...spent today at Bridge Day. I know it's a major tourist thing for WV, but it never ceases to amaze me that WV has a day to specifically celebrate a BRIDGE, and then proceeds to let people jump like lemmings off this bridge (although I've been told lemming suicide is fiction, but whatever. You get my point.)!! What a great freaking state I'm in!

And I'm becoming such a freaking chick. Tiff, you need to come back NOW and knock some sense into me. I'm getting all icky yucky mushy sentimental, and I'M LIKING CHICK FLICKS. Dude, that's just wrong. I just got done watching a movie with one of those Hollywood embraces where the couple run toward each other and kiss passionately when they meet, and I have two thoughts at this: #1--I want someone to kiss me like that again, and #2--that kiss would never work for me, because the klutz I am, I'd injure something in the process of running and embracing. :-P But it's a nice thought all the same, I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go offset this icky yucky mushy crap with something either stupidly funny or frighteningly scary. Considering it's October...might go for the scary. Wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not a bridge? At least it is not the Redneck Olympics (GA) or the Gasparilla Parade and Pirate Fest Festival (FL). Plus most states are so scared of lawyers, that any event that could be exciting has disappeared long ago. Go WV or breaking the mold.

Plus I suggest the lemmings are the ones like yourself who go to such festivals and walk back and forth.

12:38 PM  

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