Sunday, June 19, 2005

Knock Yourself Out

Happy Birthday Kinsley! Happy Birthday Amber! And Happy Father's Day to all the GOOD dads out there. Miss mine a lot right now. I've come to the conclusion that I'll never find a guy as awesome as my daddy, and no one will ever love me like that again (see 5/23 post). Yes, JJP, I AM living life. That's what it's for, after all. FRENCH KISSING LIFE! :-) And Tiff...I think I might actually LIKE this guy. Or I know I COULD very easily like him...a LOT. Think I'm just gonna give it up and go with it and see what happens. And Friday night in general seriously changed things for me. I realized that most of the guys in my life treat me like shit until they want something! And I've let them! Last night I got really fed up and just walked out the door. And of course Goob called at something till TWO THIS MORNING wanting me to come get him! I THINK NOT. I'm not letting them walk all over me anymore. He knew he was driving...shoulda never gotten that drunk. And I thought he was trying to give his mom part of his liver??? How the HELL is he gonna do that when he's drinking it to death?? Oh well. Not my problem, not anymore. I've moved on to someone who has the potential to be SO much better than any of them could dream of. Taylor, I'm using you on my webpage. What you sent me last night was great. This is Taylor's message: Few experiences are more painful than fall in love with someone who couldn't care less. We get over it--most of us--and it never, well, almost never, does us serious damage. But while we're suffering, we suffer intensely. It's hard to think about anything else; we can't do our work. Food, if we bother to eat it, is tasteless. We find ourselves staring into space, missing everything going on around us. Worst of all, we're likely to do something so foolish that we make matters even worse. But you never know how it will all turn out. In the most painful moments, when you think that thins can't possibly get any worse, they very well might...or they might, surprisingly, turn around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of us never learn.... We say we learn from past loves/Friends... Yet the very reason some fall for the past ones are because they are falling for the same crap the new ones are feeding them... Only difference is the crap being fed. People only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Its easy to be over someone when you don't see them everyday. Its easy to fall for the new "crap" because its fresh in our minds and know the old is, well....old. Keep in mind what makes some of your past acquaintances a part of our heart... Is because they are themselves. Wonder if poor Goob wasn't with us today because of decisions you consciously made? Could we live with ourselves tomorrow if something happened? Sure he should know better, But wouldn't it be nice if someone had your back when you made poor decisions? ;) Try to be "THAT" person. Make a difference, don't fall into the "old crap"
I wonder if we learned to read between the lines, what all we could be missing out on? Perhaps some people are no good at love out loud? Earl Thomas Conley (great song) said it best.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey K don't listen to this dumbass!! I am so proud of you!!!!! I have told you a thousand times to walk away from them that they are asses!! They treat you like shit and then want something from you!! I don't think so!! Just remember I am proud!!

12:06 AM  

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