Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sweet November

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been...what is it I always say? Oh yeah...OTHERWISE OCCUPIED! Those of you who know me know I don't usually stay lonely long, and now is certainly no exception. Definitely had a smile on my face these days. Things seem to be going pretty well for me. And the icing on the cake is that I have a job interview on Thursday. I'm not getting my hopes up about this place, though. I'm just going to go and see what they have to say. A bunch of us went to the movies last night (about 7 people). Fun times. Don't get to get out much these days. Justin drove, because I don't know Parkersburg that well, and here's a bit of advice: don't let go of the popcorn. Here we are, going down 68, which is this old 2-lane country kind of road, and a deer steps out in front of us. What do I do? LET GO OF THE POPCORN. And I mean a HUGE ass bucket. What does Justin do? The sensible thing...hits the brakes. What does the popcorn do? The entire bucket dumps ALLLLLLLLL over the place. Guess it's a good thing I procrastinated yesterday and didn't clean my car out after all. I'd have been pissed. I have Happy Bunny floormats. That's a decent sized bunny on my floor. All you could see of this poor bunny was the tips of his ears. So much for taking the popcorn home! And a little while down the road, Ashley's like, "I smell popcorn". Geez, GENIUS! Ya don't say! Oh well. I'm getting old. My nights and my stories are getting tame. And I KNOW I'm old when it's only 10:00 and we're out of the movie and I'm thinking, let's just go home and hang out. Or maybe I'm finally just getting my priorities straight. In any case, I'm not crying anymore. There's definitely a smile back on my face, and I'm just having fun. No expectations, no regrets. But there is definitely something magical about that first kiss, no matter who or how old you are...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you better be calling me and giving me complete details!!!

3:59 PM  

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