Friday, January 07, 2005

Tomorrow's a Brand New Day

Well, it's FRIDAY! And although this week was considerably easier than on-call, spent 4 days at the school...for some reason I am more drained and run down than usual. Don't get it. All I wanna do is sleep. I'll take a nap when I come home for 2 or 3 hours, get up, then be up half the night and be exhausted in the morning. I can't win, but I can't seem to break it. Even when I'm able to keep from taking a nap I'm still up half the night. I have no idea why. I think kids are just very draining. Sometimes more than adults. Drama drama drama. Granted, I love kids, but sometimes I just wanna scream. In other words, my life is doing a 180, and I have no room to talk about the kids' drama. I have PLENTY of my own. The person I had grown close to back in the fall has now drifted away, and the person who drifted away from me at that time is now getting closer again. I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my ass. And no, Tiff, I haven't called him yet...and I don't know if I'm going to. Yes, the voices in my head are fighting. Maybe that's why I'm so tired and my head hurts. It's exhausting to have yourself fighting...well...YOURSELF! lol. I'm a big dork. If this were a cartoon, I'd have one mini-me on my left shoulder, and one on my right, and they'd be just going at each other and tearing each other apart. My mind and my heart certainly seem to be doing that to me. In any case, I believe I'm going to go take something for my head and go to bed. What else is there to do? Maybe I should use this weekend to catch up on NORMAL sleep. But then...what is normal, anyway? Certainly not me! But...where's the fun in that???


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