Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Charlotte's in North Carolina

Yeah, you heard me. I realized that it's been 2 months to the day since Bobby died. It already feels like a whole lifetime...I can only imagine what it'll feel like when it has been a whole lifetime. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him...but then, I don't really have a choice. I have to drive by the place where he died twice a day, then by where he's buried. But I'm doing better. I'm finally sleeping again. Now I just want to sleep all the time. Guess my body is trying to make up for the month or so I barely slept. But just because his life is over doesn't mean mine is. I still have a whole lotta living left to do...I hope. But in any case, his death taught me so much. I take even more pictures now than I did before, and I try to take nothing and no one for granted. Because you just never know. But in any case, thanks so much to Stef for thinking of me while she's drinking. lol...how that's supposed to cheer me up, I'm not exactly sure, but I guess just knowing someone's thinking of me does...or should. And so...my back and shoulder area are killing me, so I'm gonna go take a muscle relaxer and go pass out. You know it's bad when it hurts your shoulder to even lean up against anything. Who knows. I'm only 26, and already falling apart! What kinda shape am I gonna be in when I'm 40? Can't wait to see...


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