Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bad Girl

I'm sorry Sis! I'm a bad little sister. I went to the lake after work and didn't even call to let my sister know where I was until after 9 this evening! Oooops...with everything going on in the world today, no wonder she was worried about me. :-( I'M SORRY! I feel so bad. I honestly didn't plan on staying that long. Was just gonna meet up with Gunner, take a dip, and come home. Next thing I know...I should know better than to think I'm going to spend less than 2 or 3 hours anywhere near water. I love water. So...I'm getting the silent treatment. But for once in my life, I completely understand. I get worried about her if she's even 15 minutes late getting home from work...much less 3 or 4 hours!! I'd be freaking out too. Next time I'll call immediately. :-P My question for today is: how can you enjoy being with someone, and want to spend time with them, but know that you're still way too much in love with someone else? I gave my heart away a long time ago, and I never really got it back. So how could I ever give it to someone else? I just hope and pray I don't end up hurting this poor boy, because in spite of some of his little...immature tendencies, he is really, genuinely good to me. AND he says he'll paint my toenails. First guy who's EVER said that. We'll have to see. Yesterday made 8 months since Bobby died. And odd that I came across this quote again...No final words were spoken, no time to say goodbye. You were gone forever, and only God knows why. Eight months down, and a lifetime to go. No closer to understanding anything now than I was then. Just...moving on. The way I see it, the best thing I could do for Bobby's memory now is to make sure that I live my life to the fullest and never take anything for granted or let things go unsaid, thinking there'll always be tomorrow. There might not be. Miss you forever, Bob, and I'll love you all my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to remember your friend Bobby is what you are doing. Just simply tell the guy how you feel. If he is a man he will respect your feelings and continue to be a friendly companion. That's my opinion. What else Happy 4th.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey k.... you just have to make me cry every once in awhile don't you.... everytime you bring Bobby up......hmmmmm.....quit that!!! lol i need money!!! If anyone would like to donate money so i can pay for my pups bone surgery just let me know and I'll will be glad to take your money!! My poor Caine....snapped his leg in half and now has to have pins put in... :(

3:52 PM  

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