Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm still alive!

And so I'm posting for what seems like the first time in forever...but looking at the date of my last post, it has been awhile. A whole month. Do I have anything new to report? Some things. Let's see if I can remember. My short-term memory is shot these days.

Hmmm...well, I got a new job. I'm now the Director of Social Services for a nursing and rehab center down here. What does that mean? Hell if I know. I'm so confused, lost, and overwhelmed. But I couldn't pass it up. It's great money, part-time, and a lot closer than my other job. I WOULD still have my other job, but my *former* boss had his secretary call me and tell me not to bother finishing out my last 2 weeks. Wellllllll, alrighty then. So...did I quit, or was I fired? Can you BE fired if you've already turned in your resignation? Doesn't matter. I had already been at my new job for a week. I just couldn't keep doing that other job and only getting paid about $100 every 2 weeks. There's no freaking way I can live on that when I have $46 thousand in student loan debt, not to mention a buttload of other bills. The way I have it figured out, even just working 20 hours a week, in 2 1/2 months' time, I'll have made the same amount, or even more, than I made in 5 months at that place. So the decision, when it came down to money, was simple. And I think being the director of something will look kick-ass on my resume. Yeah, I was already thinking ahead to my future employment before I even accepted this one. I have issues.

Nothing new to report on the relationship front. Larry and I have our ups and downs. Seems more down than up lately. I don't know if it's the 6-month thing or what, but we're just snapping at each other a lot lately. We're still battling it out over the Chaney situation. And he's been extremely moody just in general. Obviously, I'm no saint either, but I swear I'm marrying the moodiest man on the face of the earth. I still love him, I just haven't liked him very much lately. And having said that, I just realized that I didn't tell him I loved him at all today, which says something. Usually I tell him several times a day. Amazingly though, we don't have a problem as far as money. He even acknowledges that he's a "tight bastard", and I like to spend money. Not recklessly, but if I'm at the mall and Bath and Body Works is having a sale, you can bet your ass I'm gonna hit it. But I'm doing better. I'm restraining myself to the 15 bottles of body spray I already have, and the 4 bottles of shower gel I'm down to. He doesn't complain at all about having to pay my car payment or student loan payment or car insurance ('cause $100 sure won't pay it!), but I feel bad about it. Those are my debts. I'm responsible for them. I'm slowly adjusting to being a "team" about money. We put my name on his bank account, and he got me my own debit card for his account, sooooooo...we'll see.

I think that's about all I've got to report. I think I lost some of it somewhere along the way...there goes that short-term memory again. *sigh*. But at least you get something! It might be another freaking month before you hear from me again! But I'm still alive!!!


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