Tuesday, August 15, 2006

i suck so bad...

I was just reading Stef's page...thanks for the congrats last month, btw, and I realized that I'm such a loser. She has time to post regularly even given her hectic schedule. Me? I'm a big ole bum, basically, but I never post anything. I guess maybe because it feels like I don't really have anything to say. Most of the drama has died down in my life, but then again, after this past weekend I realized one thing: it got replaced by a LOT more drama...named Larry. I also realized that this past weekend was the first time I've heard him introduce me as his fiance, which makes me wonder 2 things: has he not introduced me like that before, given that we've been engaged 1 1/2 months now, and, do I really not listen to him that much to NOT notice how he introduces me? In either case, something's messed up. Ohhhh well. I guess it's better that I start listening to what he's saying now, rather than never, huh? Hey, it sounded good.

We've just been doing our own thing, getting settled into our house. I always wonder why we're doing all this crap to fix the place up when it's just a rental and we don't even plan on staying anyway. But I guess it's because we want it to look nice for however long we ARE here. Somedays it looks like it'll be forever. The money situation isn't good right now, but hopefully that'll improve before too long. It better...I have a wedding to pay for! Not to mention if I want to have a honeymoon somewhere.

I'm thinking about selling Avon products...specifically the mark ones. Would anyone out there be interested in buying them from me if I decided to do that? I figure I can do it on my own time, at my own pace, and pick up some extra cash, if it works out well. I need to do something, that's for sure. So far, since June 20th, I've only brought home $811. I used to bring that home biweekly at my other job! Who knows...any suggestions?


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