Saturday, June 10, 2006

stress? what stress? @#$#@%!!!!

Ok, breathe. Feeling very stressed out and overwhelmed lately. I don't know which I'm more stressed out about...the whole moving, new job situation, or the bills that are creeping up on me. I know the new job will be wonderful once I get going, for so many reasons...namely, more money and no on call, as I've already mentioned. Right now I'm focusing more on the MORE MONEY part, especially since it seems like I come home every day to a stack of bills, then I go to my sister's on the weekend to another stack of crap. Just feeling very overwhelmed by it all right now. I've started getting Chaney's child support, which is going to help take care of her stuff, but I'm only getting $126 a week, which to me, given that the current amount is $437 and he owes me over $16,000 in back support, doesn't add up quite right. But whatever. I guess I shouldn't complain, because after all this time at least I'm finally getting SOMETHING. But still, when you've got a $700 credit card bill from her dentist, 2 other credit card bills because you had to buy the poor thing clothes, the braces she'll have to get, and the every day food, water, clothing, etc....$126 a week doesn't seem like much help. But it'll have to do. And it's better than nothing. That's $504 a month I wasn't getting until now. I know things will work out and the bills will sort themselves out; they always do. But when you're buried underneath a stack of them and can't see the sky above you, you have to wonder. And the whole time I'm under here fuming about my situation, my head keeps screaming: I DID NOT BUST MY ASS IN GRADUATE SCHOOL TO STILL BE THIS FRIGGIN' POOR. But hopefully, God willing, with this new job, things will finally start to turn around. No more 'let's pay a little on this now, and a little on that and save the others for later', and no more 'so what are we paying this time? car payment or student loan payment?' I'm hoping and praying it'll be soon I'll have the car paid off and can just be like dude, let's pay double on the student loans! *sigh*. Larry keeps saying he'll help me out however he can, but I can't let him do that. It's not HIS responsibility to pay MY bills. His reasoning is 'yeah, but when we're married it will be, so why should it be any different now?'. Because we're not married yet. His money is still his, mine is still mine. I wouldn't be so eager to give it away, 'cause later he'll regret it. :-P But in any case, there's nothing I can do about it at 1:15am, especially when I can't even get on my BB&T site to check my online statement. So what else is there to do but go to bed? Hopefully NOT to dream about more freaking bills! the way, had a freak accident with Ms. Clairol...will have to share the pics when I upload them.


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