28 days

Someone once told me that if you do something for 28 days, it becomes habit. Wonder if you can apply this to people? Like, if you spend 28 days with someone, will they become something of a habit for you? Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, if you're letting someone go, if you don't speak to them for 28 days, have you let them go? From past experience alone, I'm inclined to say no to that one, but whatever. I remember actually trying this once, actually. With G-Man. After doing so well and not speaking to him or anything, wouldn't you know on the 28th day I ended up right back where I started? I mean, it did end eventually, and it's over now, but daaaaaaaaang, it was a long hard road. T, I was pleasantly surprised that Gunner and his buddies were so good to Chaney at the lake today. No, it doesn't change anything, for the most part. Actually kind of makes it even more difficult, given that he was so good to her. Hmmm...and no, Peter didn't call, but that's probably a GOOD THING, given the mood I was in and what I was about to do. Don't want to do something I'll regret. At least...something ELSE I'll regret. And I've learned something. I've been reading others' posts lately, and theirs are just FUNNY. Mine is just DRAMA. I'm a funny person! I make people laugh! So why can't I have funny posts? I just suck.
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