Monday, May 02, 2005

Lesson #4--pick up the damn phone!

Girls!!! If he's not calling you, it's because you're not on his mind. HJNTIY...I mean come on...who is THAT busy? So busy that he can't pick up the phone and go something like "hi, I can't talk right now, but I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you...didn't want you to think I didn't care." Yeah, Tiff, I know...might as well wish for the freaking moon. Guys aren't made that way unless they're in romance novels and soap operas. Those things should be women false hope and expectations for guys. That's why no mortal man can ever live up to them, and why we're disappointed all the time! Ok, off the soapbox now, moving on. Tiff, I swear, the timing of that dream was just eerie. For the other 99% of you who aren't familiar, I was very frustrated and confused last night about mi vida loca, so I said a little prayer to God, asking Him to basically tell me which guy I should focus my energies on, which one I should pay attention to, etc...and I think I got my answer in the dream that followed. All I'll say is that it was one of the best dreams of my life, and I woke up so freaking happy it was scary. Now if only dreams come true...if any dream, other than the Dale Jr dreams, of course, were to ever come true, please please PLEASE let it be that one! :-)


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