Tuesday, September 02, 2008

the last ten years...

so here it is, the last day of my 20s. i know age is just a number, but i don't know. it just feels...different. like, my youth is officially leaving me. i still remember when 30 was old. i still think 30 IS old. and i was having a conversation with myself, as i typically do on the nights larry is working, thinking about football. i was cussing the ucla quarterback. thought, that #$%#%^# kid. and i laughed that i called him a kid. and then i realized he IS a kid. according to the scout.com webpage, he was born in 1985. i was in like, 3rd grade when he was born. so yeah, i have every right to call him a kid. and then i realized i'm TWELVE years older than most college freshman this semester. *sigh*. i need to quit realizing things. i'm gonna check myself into a psych hospital on wednesday if i don't. so, as i'm off to bed, here is the list i've been diligently working on. my twenties. the last ten years. they started in 1998 (hard to believe) and end tomorrow. i'm sure i've left plenty off, but i think i hit most of the highlights. enjoy.

1998—I met Kendra, who to this day is my nearest and dearest girlfriend.

1999—I got my Associate’s degree, started ETSU, turned 21, and my sister Brenda died. Moved. I left my family for the first time to go to a school approximately 171 miles away. My family moved from TN back to WV, which put me even farther from them.

2000—my dad died. L Moved. Started my senior year of college and met Nikki, Nicole, and Stephanie, 3 of the greatest girls EVER!

2001—I got my BS from ETSU and started grad school at UT. GO VOLS! Moved. Went to my first UT game…HEAVEN! Met Rachel, Vandaly, and a lot of other great people I still talk to from time to time.

2002—Lots of firsts this year…lived alone for the first time in a dungeon apartment in Knoxville. LOVED IT. Flew in a plane. LOVED IT. Flew ACROSS COUNTRY. Also…LOVED. Saw the ocean for the first time in Santa Cruz, CA. LOVED LOVED LOVED.

2003—graduated UT with my Master’s degree, probably had a quarter-life crisis, due to moving back to WV. Haha. Got an awesome graduation present—a trip to Daytona Beach. First time I ever saw the Atlantic. Got my first after-graduation job at a mental health center.

2004—bought my very first car ever, solely in MY name. A green Pontiac Sunfire. We had some good times. Took the first “family vacation”. Four of us went to Myrtle Beach…such a blast.

2005—Chaney turned TEN! Left one mental health job for another. Moved. Went to the Outer Banks. Another great time.

2006—fell in love, got engaged in Washington, DC. Left mental health for good (hopefully), and started at a private Christian counseling agency, then left it to go to a nursing home. Moved.

2007—Left the nursing home job for an awesome job as an academic coach in a middle school in Va. Went back to Myrtle Beach. Larry’s brother Bobby died. Lost my best friend. Moved. Got my Trixie puppy. I love her!
2008—Chaney is THIRTEEN!! obviously, turned THIRTY. Geez! Haven’t moved…yet. Got another puppy…Daisy. *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved your list.
Enjoy your last day being 20-something! ;)

8:31 AM  

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